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So it was another day... yes, just another day... there was nothing planned, nothing to look forward to, nothing to anticipate... yes, it was just another day... until.. well, she came... she kinda gave the bored people something to do... who is she? well...
Meet... Canola...
Okay, so Lee Wen thought it would be fun to take her home... Well, then again, why not.. after all, she's utterly adorable... ^^ So after an uneventful trip home, we released her into her new surroundings... initially, she was a little disorientated, but eventually, she settled down...
... and decided to get into everyone's way... >.<

Yes, she walked all over us, and wouldn't let us snack on peanuts in peace...
Or watch tv in peace...

Until she finally got bored of bothering us...

And probably decided that it was more worthwhile to take a nap...

Or follow us here and there.. and everywhere...

... or even watch my beloved fighting fish out on the balcony...>.<

.. and maybe even attempt to open the sliding door to go out there for a better look..

So we thought we'd feed her...

Something in the fridge perhaps??
Or maybe in the cupboards??

I think she'll stick to her kibble..
Well, Canola only has till morning here... she'll be going back to the clinic tomorrow... perhaps she needs more feline company... but PERHAPS, perhaps, she may come back here once in awhile... >.<

And now... of the fishies...
Recently, Lee Wen and I have gone rather insane and have acquired a total of six fighting fish, among a multitude of other fish, ranging from Koi fish to other more common 'drain fish'...
Here are my beloved fighting fish ( or rather, Bettas)

Meet Achmed ( on the left) and Lancelot ( on the right).. they're miniature.. and of a different species, i think.. they lack the long flowing tails i love so much... but colour wise, they're quite unique... And if you were wondering, yes, the name Achmed was inspired by that Dead Terrorist Dude... never heard of him? well, just ask me and i'll gladly post you the link... it's worth the watch, really, then you'll see why we named a fishy in honour of that fella...

This is Tchaikovsky... initially, i figured he was an albino of sorts... but further research enlightened me that he was simply a rare 'yellow' colour... which is good... and quite unique...

This is Indiana... i can't get a really clear shot, but if i could, you would be able to see the hints of teal he has on his red body and fins... quite a pretty little thing indeed...

And this fella here is Ambrose... he doesn't live in that little tank, just that i put him there temporarily as he recently recovered from a case of Ick ( or Ich) >.< He looks quite a lot like Indiana, except that he has Purple highlights as opposed to Indiana's teal ones...

Finally, this is Ryan.. whose colour attracted me so much that i bought him despite the fact that he was more than half dead at that time.. glad to say his condition has improved remarkably since then. He's a nice medley of colours actually... but mostly red and pink and blue...
This is their living arrangement for the night... they're left on the balcony during the day (for a bit of sunlight and warmth) but they're taken in at night ( in case of rain, birds or what not)... yes, they're spoilt... and the newspaper may be displeasing to the sight, but is otherwise unavoidable; after all, they ARE fighting fish... lesson is.. never put too many males together.. >.< nyehehehe...
They're quite spoilt anyway.. they're fed twice a day... with Betta Feed in the day time and a mixture of Betta Feed and freeze-dried Tubifex Worms at night... well, they're beloved anyway... ^^
It was a Saturday, that faithful day... when i was dragged out of the comforts of my happily and contentedly secluded life to... DO CHARITY WORK??!! Yes, i know what you're thinking, that is just absurd... Miki... doing.. charity? Unbelievable, but true.. -.-
Okay, so think positive... after all, it's for a good cause... >.<>

Upon arrival there, we had just come to realize how many parties were actually participating in the event.. okay, we're in malaysia.. i never expected so many people to turn up for a charity event... and understandably, due to the hustle and bustle of the place, we were completely being ignored, and resembled a merry band of idiots waiting at the front gate for perhaps the sky to fall...
Finally, our sensible Mr Chelliah decided to take matter into his own hands and found our stall.. which.. was definitely ill-placed, as it was at the very end of the premises ( yes, where they reach you only after successfully spending all their cash) and also due to the fact that for a total of 10 students, all we had was a minimal sized table to work with... -.- On the plus side though, we were stationed next to the Domino's Pizza stall, which made locating lunch easy... ^^
Alright, so we got down to business, by making our 'Fruit Punch' which was to be our sales item for the day. The other half of my course mates were given the task of selling Popsicles ( very enthusiastically at that)...
Okay, the ingredients for our fruity punchy...

Nata de Coco... Yummy.. ^^

Several bags of ice cubes...

Sparkling Juice of many flavours.. and also canned fruit... and a fews bottles of soda...

First batch of Punch...

And finally, the best part of the job... Sampling.. ^^ ( which later developed into pilfering...)
Well, according to the verdict of the majority of us, the punch was yummy-licious... the only issue though is that we knew what went in to making it.. to the extent we were considering changing the stall name to something along the line of 'instant Diabetics"...
... and here's proof... see them?? No?? well, let me make it a little clearer for you...

Ant invasion.. >.<

Alright, ready for business...
Meanwhile, on the other side of the stall...

Popsicles.. ^^ ( whoops.. i labeled wrongly.. i labeled two 'oranges' but one's actually mango... too lazy to re-edit)

What did i say about pilfering? this is just one instance of many many many more.. >.< Okay, sales started off slow.. real slow...
Feeling compromised by our location, Mr Chelliah decided to send people out to take the product to the people instead, as well as reduce the prices... well, glad to say it worked out well.. while he, on the other hand, started... erm.. promoting our stall??
Mr Chelliah in action... well, a sample of it... this went on for hours... ( sorry that it's tilted the wrong way... my bad...)
Soon sales picked up really well, and we had to make additional batches of Punch.. however, due to the difference in ingredients, we ended up with different products... thankfully, each batch seemed better than the previous, and soon converted our sales pitch into something along the line of 'new and improved recipe' ....

the Second Batch is a darker colour due to Grape Sparkling Juice...

The third batch being darker still...

Punch for sale... ^^ ( note the different colours resulting for different batches)

And our ever-successful sales team... Anusha, Yee Chen and Joseph... I was given the task of formulating the punch instead.. and later replaced Anusha in 'waitressing'..
Well, soon everything was sold out.. and we got to go home... ^^ the end of an interesting experience...
Other events of the day...

The gang just chilling...
Mibu and Aaron sharing some inside joke probably...

Joseph and Anusha...
Yee Chen and I...

Waitressing anyone??

Josh, Stephanie and Caryn... advertising coupon booklets for some reason...

Joshua either making fun of the box or looking for ways to get to what's inside.. >.<