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It was the 16th of May, year 2008, a day i had been waiting for ever since it was made known to me that it was the day i could finally go home to my beloved Kota Kinabalu... seriously, i can safely say that city life is just not for me... i miss the 'small town life' and most definitely small town food... >.<
Anyway, today i reached the airport waaaaaay before my flight, in fact, before the counter had even opened... this, of course, meant lots and lots of waiting... And so i waited... and got bored, and took pics, and waited yet some more... =.="
The shops at the LCCT... LCCT would be because i am a big big supporter of AirAsia ^^... without which, the trips home would be less frequent. >.<
......and yet more shops... the shops there actually consist of quite a few which carry particular brand name items... expensive, yet classy. ^^
DaĆm chocolates... Yummy!! ^^ a little something i picked up for the folks back home... it would come as a pleasant surprise, i'm sure... in the event of it not being as wonderfully accepted as i would have hoped, i would gladly polish it off myself... ^^ which would ultimately contribute to my already expanding waistline... =.=" however, that scenario is of course extremely unlikely... and i begin to wonder whether i would have a chance to even get my hands on some of the spoils when i reach home... >.<
And the boarding gate is still closed.. which means more waiting... >.<

The seats.. not the most comfortable in the world, but i kinda realized that they're pretty much standardized in most of the airports...

The plane... ^^ notice they don't exactly have any specific way of parking it... they just dump it where it's convenient and accessible... the lack of a need to park that monstrous contraption is a good thing.. especially after considering certain soon-to-be-pilots-who-can't-park-for-peanuts... =P

The luggage cart... too bad i don't have a shot demonstrating how they usually man-handle luggage... in certain cases, the phrase "3rd class, please bend and smash" would probably what those handlers see printed discreetly on each luggage... or maybe it's just them... >.<
Well now, while i was in KL, my friends had begun posting stuff about this new place that they had been hanging out at... at first i was curious, and therefore definitely asked them to take me there when i got back... well, being the nice people that they are, they agreed to take me there the moment i got back to KK... ^^ Thanx so much Ah Teh.. it was great seeing some old familiar faces...
Okay, when i first got there, i didn't know what on earth was going on... A few of them were already playing games, and i was just too lazy to read the instructions... they're so LONG!! >.<

Well, this game is called walk the dog... and while i don't know how it works exactly, i do know that the objectives involve collecting the most different doggy breeds... and i just love those figurines... ^^
Due to the unavailability of normal chairs and sofas because of the crowd, my friends had decided to sit on the floor with short 'Japanese' tables... it was fun for awhile, but by the end of the day, most of us had somehow contracted various back problems which we never knew we had... LOLX..
While the patrons are allowed to play as many games as they want, and stay till closing time, there IS, however, a minimum order per person of RM4.50... so... just order a drink and be done with it... and so, I ordered an ice cream... which is soooo bad for my waistline.. but ah well...
Miki's half eaten ice cream...
Someone else's ice cream.. mine started off like that too, with toppings and all, but by the time i took a pic of it, i had eaten off all the good parts.. >.<
Well, later in the night, Gregory had taught me how to play a card game called 'Bang!!', where i had used the line " I bang u!!" too many times, only realizing much later that it sounded oh so wrong... >.<

These are some of the cards... the Character Cards and also the pile in the middle... see how the name is "BANG!!" ? hahaha... okay, Bang! is a card game, set in the wild west, where the players assume roles and characters, each with their own objectives, but all the while concealing their identities, except for the Sheriff... therefore the Sheriff needs to be careful about who he 'bangs' as there is a penalty for slaying his own deputy... >.<
I would like to note that the word "BANG!!" refers to the sound made when a shot if fired, and nothing else in any other context... =.=" ( i can tell what half of u are thinking... hmmm.)
These are some of the cards which demonstrate your roles...
Next, i was taught to play a game called Ubongo!! and seriously, i love this game, though it can, at times, be utterly frustrating... >.< perhaps playing such a game sharpens your IQ, i don't know...
These are the gems which you are supposed to collect. The objective is to collect the most of the same colour by the time the game is over... the catch is, you can only take the first two gems in a line... and exactly how many steps your piece can move to change lines depends on how fast you solve the IQ-piece-fitting-puzzle....
Put simply, a dice is rolled (and a 3-minute hourglass started simultaneously) and each symbol on the dice corresponds to a series of pieces which you will need to use in order to fill in the shape on the card... this can be very frustrating.. very very... and after succeeding in this, you will then utter "UBONGO!!" and move your piece according to the order in which the puzzle was solved among the players, and take your gems... All this in 3 minutes... yes, it can be a mad rush for time, but the adrenaline rush is half the fun... ^^

Kwong trying to help Zuexiant solve one of the puzzles... ^^
Well, overall i found it to be a nice experience... and it was a most enjoyable night... seeing old friends would be half the fun... ^^

My friends... ^^
Teh and Zuexiant...
Kwong and Zuexiant looking very content indeed... ^^
Lo.. who doesn't wanna give me face... =.="
Much better... ^^
Ah Teh... he looks so different from when i last saw him on the day i left for KL... maybe it's the hair.. >.<
Wong and Isabel... at least they still look the same... ^^
The day was Sunday, the 11th of May year 2008 to be exact... and it was the first time i had gone out shopping with my dear cousin Audrey ( after numerous complaints from her about being left behind by Lee Wen and I )... and it had proven to be quite an insane day, which i mainly contribute to her... =.="
While it started off pretty ordinarily, things started becoming a little strange.... first came the unstoppable laughter, primarily contributed by the oh-so-giggly Lee Wen... followed by Audrey's unstoppable hunt for "mini-skirts"... which, we, during which we had tortured poor Andrew by making him visit nearly every female clothes/shoes boutique in sight... >.<
However, to make up for our meanness, we decided to allow him the chance of selecting what we would have for lunch... and he selected.. Subway... which was not at all surprising... and we had a pretty nice time looking for it, thanks to two silly guides who don't seem to know their ways around very well at all.. >.<
LUNCH!! ^^
Audrey and i shared a foot-long club sandwich, while Lee Wen had a 6-inch Italian BMT (whatever that stands for) and Andrew had a 6-inch Roast Beef... ^^
Andrew's Food...
Audrey's and mine... Miki's half has all the veggies... >.<
Lee Wen's Food.... Looks the most miserable... and i wonder why...
Long story short, after lunch, we discovered that there was nothing left to do and had therefore decided to go skating... HOWEVER, we had forgotten to bring our gloves along... and Lee Wen and Audrey didn't even have socks... and my ever-so-creative cousin decided that we should buy the gloves and socks elsewhere instead of at the rink itself due to the charges... We happily agreed on it.. and thus began our insane journey, or rather, mad rush, in hopes of buying everything and leaving at least 2 hours of skating time...
First was the dash to Giant Supermarket...for.. 99 cents socks?? Well, they took long enough simply locating the section that sold them... just to find it right at the entrance.. =.=" so blind... and therefore, one crisis solved, next would be gloves... Audrey had suggested Gardening gloves that costed 99 cents as well, but upon looking at it ( and driving my into an uncontrollable fit of laughter) we decided against it and had therefore come to the decision of trying our luck out at Jusco... and so we went... ALL THE WAY, RUNNING... in Andrew's words " you'll be tired even before you start skating"... and he was quite right... >.<
in the end, we ended up with these gloves... and looked like magicians... ah well, RM3.50 is a small price to pay for lasting memories.. Lolx... so unforgettable, the day we skated with magician's gloves... >.<

yes, everyone left their gloves with me in the end and i had to wash them all... lazy people.. =.="
Skating!!! ^^ JOY!!
After skating.. back to normal... lolx...
The entrance bands... notice there are two that say DISCOUNT... a reminder to all students who wish to skate, bring your student ID's with you... because then you will be entitled to a RM3 discount... ^^ ( or at least i think it was RM3)...
Pics!! ^^
My two beloved cousins, Lee Wen and Audrey...
Andrew and I... ( i look sleepy)... >.<

The Pinks!! ^^

Dear cousin Lee Wen who doesn't wanna 'give me face'....
Audrey... lolx... getting drinks for us... maybe the reason behind the expression... >.<
In other news....
When i went out the day before, I had come across a little toy which i found to be rather adorable, especially after watching Lee Wen study for her exams... i realized that she had a fondness for squeezing a certain squishy ball which she had eventually named the 'stress ball' as it was generally used to relieve tension... ^^ I had therefore decided to purchase a certain squishy egg-toy for her...
And when squeezed...
cute, no?? ^^
anyway, as expected, Lee Wen became very fond of the toy... perhaps a little too fond... she had taken to bringing it around the house, allowing her to squish it constantly... i guess her over-squeezing had finally made the egg give way, because in less than 3 hours of giving the toy to her, the egg had sprung a leak.. all over my bed... =.="
This would be Miki's attempt to patch the hole.. with lots of super glue... =.=" apparently they had not done a very good job when they had originally sealed the egg off and it was that part which had given way under the pressure... the egg was saved, by the way, at the cost of my fingers being stuck together by super-glue... =.=" the things i do for these people... Ah well, love them ^^