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A Day Out
Well, Anyz is going back, and so... before he did, he brought us out on some 'excursion'/ outing... he promised Andrew that he'd take him on the LRT because being the KK sakais that we are, SOME OF US have never been on an LRT... >.<>

And outside, on display... was a pretty car!! A Jaguar!!

Its pretty.. and that colour is gorgeous on that car... >.<>

Well, anyway we decided to have lunch here... and it actually took us quite awhile before we actually had the sense to ask a guard for the directions to the food court... It was one BIG food court.. haha... and earlier, we commented that not many people shopped in Pavilion.. i guess we were wrong, there were LOTS of people, just that they decided to hide out in the food court.. ah well, Malaysian culture... you can't separate them from their food.. >.<>
Anyz's lunch... looks sooo nice.. but he didn't touch ANY of the veggies... should report to his mom... >.<
Andrew's lunch... spaghetti bolognaise... the THIRD time over the past two days... sometimes i wonder why he doesn't get sick of it...
And my lunch... look at that smoke... lolx... i've never seen lasagne with THAT much sauce.. =.=" and its not all that yummy actually...
Anyz's dessert/ drink.. its a 'mango ABC' thingy... but he said it does NOT taste all that good.. lolx...
My watermelon juice and Andrew's Ice lemon tea.... why mine so small one??? not fair!! >.< Well, after this, we walked around for a bit, did some shopping, and eventually left for Lot 10... upon discovering that there really isn't much to do there, we caught the next monorail down to somewhere else... wait.. am i getting this right?? i'm confused.. >.<>.<>
Waiting for the monorail... look how red our faces are.... its SOOOOO unbearably HOT... and the low zinc roofs just don't help at all... =.="
Waiting for the KTM.. for like 20 minutes... it just got toooo hot... i had to take the jacket off... >.< Well, eventually we got to Sunway Pyramid... and first stop was Subway for snack.. ^^
Sunway Pyramid...
Anyz's sandwich... in his words.. 'with balls...'

Andrew's food...

My food... no sandwich for me... i'm battling that expanding waistline... >.<>
We went ice-skating... Anyz's hand so hairy... smallest would be mine...^^

Skating is fun ^^... i loved it... Anyz kept falling down... and causing me pain... he pulled my arm... many times... >.<>.< 

Anyz... ^^ haha... in his typical posing... the last picture, well, maybe he's had enough of camwhoring... =.="
Haha.. i can't tell if Andrew just sneezed, or is crying, or simply hiding from me and my evil camera... ^^
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