I guess it started off pretty much normally, as i got there relatively early... more importantly, before the crowd started pouring in. And, being the ever anti-social being i am, i hid somewhere at the back and was content in my isolation... that is, until the noise started building up....

Some useless people were sitting at the table behind me... one was apparently tutoring the other... something about traveling, the difference between first class and second class... COMMON SENSE could help me answer that question... yet, his friend being the ever-so-well-represented-idiot that he was needed him to repeat the same point over and over and over again... by their accents i knew they were foreign without even looking back at them... i didn't mind him teaching his friend... but seriously needed to realize that only his friend needed his coaching, not anyone else, and most certainly not me... therefore, a little volume control would be nice... to make matters worse, they were joined by another horribly loud creature, who by her accent, i would say was a Chinese as in China Chinese, who definitely did not speak English as her first language... i needed them to shut up. If they wanted to discuss, that was fine... but in a way that didn't make me feel like turning around and whacking them smack in the middle of their freaking faces.
I soon began muttering beneath my breath at how the world must be full of idiots... at which point i noticed that the library, as a whole, was getting noisier and noisier by the minute... soon it almost seemed that my own table was talking to me... being hidden by one of those tables which screamed "PRIVACY PLEASE", i didn't notice the conditions in the library, and standing up to have a look made my expression turn somewhat like this : =.="
Wanna see what i saw?

In short, i saw people... EVERYWHERE... this is most definitely the first time i have seen just sOoOoOo many people at the library... the noise what out of hand... which left me glaring menacingly at some people.. who were quick to shut it... sadly, i couldn't stare at each and every person... * sigh*
I don't actually mind the number of people present... if they just knew how to shut up... logic told me that the sudden rise in numbers would be due to the upcoming exams... but if they came to actually study, i wouldn't care.. it seemed like they came to do anything BUT study... to which i say.. I curse you people to fail miserably for the next five semesters until you either run out of patience to go on or funds.. whichever comes first... good riddance...
No, i cannot describe the noise.. but this should give a rough idea. now just multiply the noise level by like... 30 times...
And yes, i finally surrendered and headed outside ( where there is no air conditioning) to study... it was nice and quiet there for a change.. that is, until the same idiots, who were having exams nearby, finished their exams and came out of the exam hall... they brought their useless noise with them.... until they were finally shoo-ed away by an invigilator of another exam hall... use your little-used brain for a change next time... when other people are having exams.. don't go outside shouting and hollering... no, the rest of us don't care if you couldn't answer the questions.. and no, the rest of us don't care if you think you're gonna fail... you wanna go jump, just go. Don't stand there being all dramatic.. because.. the rest of us don't care.. and the rest of us think you are a real nuisance..
and yes... i wonder what happened to that librarian who used to come telling us to shut up every time we had a discussion... i mean a real discussion, not like the nonsense in the library today... he used to glare at us and show us his ever-so-menacing face... but when we really needed him to a pain ( in other people's neck), he sat quietly, temporarily deaf... what is his problem? don't ask me... ask his psychiatrist. * sigh*
Good Luck!!!
hey~ nice DELL laptop!! haha~ good luck to u!! god bless u!!
Thank you to both of u... i hope to see you soon.. i'll be going back to KK after exams.. meaning like.. first week of Dec...
i only go to sleep in library. Once i get into the "meditation" state, nth can disturb me anymore ><
noisy like hell.. how u sleep one leh?? summore table so hard... bed nicer..
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