To put it simply, even the ickiest most disgusting or slimy creature has something good to offer in the end, which, at times, may even outweigh the whole ickiness factor overall (or not) >.< but as for the blasted mosquito, i just don't see where it plays a crucial part in the entire story of human existance, apart from being one of the many much-hated or feared agents of spreading diseases...
and so... one night.... the bane of mankind decided to harass me... by disturbing my much-needed sleep... i don't know for sure how many mosquitoes attacked that night, but it was definitely enough to make me buy the largest can of bug spray i could find the very next day... to give you a rough idea of how desperately i wanted bug spray, i actually bought it from a petrol kiosk near my house because it was raining heavily that night and it was much too late to get it from anywhere else....
after this, i knew i would win my battles against mosquitoes (as well as any other creepy-crawly which decided to wage war against me) for as long as my supply of bug spray lasted...

These pics were taken at approximately 3 am. Blasted mosquitoes woke me up from a good sleep... just to give a rough idea of how ruthless the persistent little bugs can be, my hands were the only part of my body which weren't snugly tucked under my comforter, hence the only area which suffered their relentless attacks... =.="
R.I.P nyamuk~
oppssss... jz now used my friend's acc~!
R.I.P nyamukss!!
nyamukssss must dieeeeeeeeeeeee!!! hate themmmmm!!
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