Well, anyway.... today i present u... the Laptop Aeroplane Fan (we shall stick to this name because the product's original name is just weird, as we shall see)...
And the box... notice the name given....
It has a FULL range of features...
Sounds pretty cool, doesn't it...? ^^ I got it for free at the Pikom Pc Fair,by the way...
and now...
The Pin that burst my bubble....
Observe the back of the plane where the cable is supposed to go...
I know the images aren't big, but please bear with me... like i said, i'm left with handphone cameras... and if you look closely, you might just notice the metal 'prong' somewhere in the centre of the hole...
And now observe the cable that came in the box...
Common sense screams in my head asking "...AND HOW IS THIS SUPPOSED TO WORK??!!!"
sometimes it really puzzles me how people can come up with products manufactured as poorly as this... Thankfully i got it free, and therefore, won't be doing anything apart from complaining and ranting on and on about it.... however... if i had PAID for it, well, there might have been a different story there... Did you notice how much the item costs in the first place?
Not a cheap unusable ornament..... PPPFFFFTTTT!!!....... =.="
lolx.. cute but useless. >.<
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