And this was the movie... Gone, Baby, Gone.... due to the 18PL written there, we were convinced that it was perhaps a movie from the horror genre... but we were wrong.. haha.. and since we had never heard of this movie before, we didn't know what to expect. However, it turned out to be a good movie, which was... excellent.. ^^

However, i do not find Mr Affleck to be that much of a hunk as suggested by many.. =.=" it was a good movie nonetheless, with plenty of very welcome twists to it. This movie conveys the simple message " things are not always what they seem " and despite everything, i need to say that i did not enjoy the ending. As much as the law tries to enforce fairness and what is right, i guess perhaps the human conscience had been equipped to see beyond all that into matters of the heart, which i feel to be much more important.
This is the 2nd movie i've watched... and in a different cinema.... i do NOT like this cinema.. it just isn't that nice to be in.... i watched this movie thanks to my beloved cousin, who, throughout the movie, reclined into a position that resembled that of a cooked prawn, covering here ears ( and probably shutting her eyes). This was a good movie, a rather twisted love story, but good all the same... however, if your threshold for watching others in pain isn't very high, i do not recommend you watch it... ( it makes ur chest hurt >.<)

After watching this, i suppose i'll have a phobia of going for surgery for the rest of my life, due to the fear that the anaesthesia fails to work on me... i do NOT intend to suffer like this... >.<
This was an interesting choice... i do NOT know why i watched it.. probably because i watched the thai version and wanted to see how the Americans would interpret it. I found this, essentially, to be a love story. perhaps one that focuses on obsession. Overall, i enjoyed it.

I guess you just never know the bitter truth behind some people... but overall, i didn't find this as much of a horror movie as i expected. and the fact that there were roughly 13 people watching it at that time didn't make things any better, except for the fact that one person happened to mouth off profanities every time she got a fright... which the rest of us found pretty amusing and ended up laughing to. Maybe that's why i didn't find this movie very scary at all.
Again, i tried a different cinema... and i did NOT really like this cinema either... neither did i like the movie very much... certain people found it to be excellent, but it was too much of a messed up, depressing, love story cum chick flick for my tastes.... i feel that the main character certainly needs to get a life if he is willing to forgive sooooo much and let a woman who had cheated on their engagement have a child with him. It is then no wonder they are seen currently filing for a divorce.

I watched this yesterday, in yet another cinema... i and i daresay i LIKED this cinema quite a lot... i enjoyed the movie too, but considering that fact that the cinema was indeed pretty much packed at that time, i guess i can't complain that i found the inside of the theater to be considerably hot. Not melting-point hot, just not as cold as i would have liked. However, it was god movie nonetheless. In fact, i would have said it was a great movie had it not been for the fact that the plot leads to nowhere. The attempt to link the story between the real, present world and that of another dimension is weak and should have been left out. Other than that, the happenings in the alternate dimension were rather pleasing and full of comedy elements. The villain, though, could use a makeover... and lose his blue eyeshadow... ( it makes him look like a total faggot) =.="

Jackie Chan's humor contradicted Jet Li's seriousness in a good way, adding a great element of contrast to the movie...

I find her to be soooo pretty... i just love looking at her... ^^ how i wish i was that pretty... *drools*