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Another Day...
Today was another day.. lolx... and i spent the morning with a bunch of my cousin's cats.... actually.. i think i was being entertained by them a lot more than i was entertaining them... i'm growing accustomed to them, and SLOWLY learning their names.. there are sooooo many of them... >.<
Today i would like to show you some of the cats... not all... there are waaaay to many, but some... some... ^^
This is Cookie... Cookie has preeeeeetttyyyyy eyes... i love her eyes... she's a sweetheart... ^^

I wish i had eyes like that.. =( so pretty... then i can go kao leng zhai... >.<
Moving on, we have BabyBoy a.k.a Taiko... haha... he's pretty too (but fat) and his eyes are really special... ^^ This Taiko ar... he's really cute... but very very bad de... always bully people...

Next is our 'supermodel' Collette... this meow damn pretty.... but damn show off one... won't let me take nice pretty pictures... in the end... become liddat... =.="

See her "temberang' face... haiz.... leng also no need liddat de ma... =.=" Next time if i ever become leng, then i also jual mahal.. ^^
Ok, next we have scary scary meow... called Bullet... i don't dare to touch... >.<
You see that face... like wanna eat me nia... my cousin said last time long hair de... but since kena "kit sei" by Taiko everyday, she 'lot mau' gao gao jor... so become like this... lolx...
This is Chanel... name also so fancy... ^^

And this one is Twinny...
Looks like my cousin is killing her... haha...
All in all, i also got a 'nice souvenir' from the meow meows...
Now how to wear short skirt?? =.=" some more the meow so good in choosing place... pain la there... =.=" but this is just one of many other 'scratches and holes' their diabolical claws caused... all in a day some more... =.="
And now, presenting the culprit who gave me that 'lovely souvenir'...

This is Buttons... also known as Retard... mental cat... his aiming needs practice, LOTS of practice... swipe also can miss... =.=" until swipe me...
Okay, enough publicity for the Meows... now presenting my cousin's mirror... ^^ its interesting...
And i would also like to take this opportunity to tell you a short short story..yesterday i was on the phone.. and decided to occupy myself in the meantime by gathering all the hair i found in the corners of room into a pile...
and this is what the result looked like....

Scary. huh?? my cousin said like this is considered very little already... i don't think i want to see what she considers a lot... >.<>
Lolx.. okay lar... i'm also tired already... so i leave you a picture of what i had as part of my dinner... Leng Zi Kang... was yummy... ^^
HAHAH! Kesian the kittys. Lee Wen likes Twinny the most....usually thats who she always carries....and looks to me like they still do the leng che kang thing.
Twinny nt her fave lar.... she sayang her fatty BabyBoy the most....
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! i wan d kitties!!!!!!!!!!
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