Anyway, i just had lunch.. and i'm using this as an interval before i need to get back to useless assignments and other loads of work... =.="
Okay, so where do we start... We'll start with yesterday.. ^^ Yesterday we spent the entire day converting the study room into our... 'living quarters'...? (if it may even be so called)... This was no small task and it took an immense amount of cleaning, dusting, rearranging and generally stripping the study room of everything. However, the biggest task, by far, would probably be moving the bunk bed from one room to the next... we had to dismantle the whole thing, bring it into the room in pieces, and then put everything back together.... and being the lazy people that we are, Lee Wen and i decided to do it all without the manual, reasoning that logic should being us the outcome that we wanted. This, of course, lead to certain amounts of frustration, but eventually, the bed was put back in one piece. Another problem we encountered would have to be the fact that there was limited workspace and therefore a lot of lifting and mid-air assembling had to be done. This was, of course, both tiring and tedious , but inevitable. All in all, everything was done just in time for a shower, then bedtime. so i guess it practically took the whole day. And now, our greatest fear would be that of the bed not being put together correctly, which may result in it collapsing... ON ME!! >.< i sleep on the bottom bunk...
and since we were re-doing the room, we decided to put ribbons nearly everywhere.. >.<
And this is what i need to get back to doing... this is one of the many rocks under my feet... insignificant in a way, yet causing immense amounts of pain... =.="
By the way, those books are expensive.... and our lecturer wouldn't let us use 2nd hand ones from our seniors... something about the 'editions' being different.... HOW DIFFERENT COULD IT BE?! Seriously... =.=" and therefore, i had to spend 65 bucks on a book about how to write essays... I could write that book for you... and so far, nothing i've read in there seems to be anything new to me at all... but, i'll be patient and see if at one point it suddenly becomes useful ( though i doubt that would ever be the case)... This Subject is also causing a lot of grief in my life... it is HAMPERING my natural literary skills... i cannot believe that people writing college level essays are limited to 500 words... i CANNOT write a narrative in 500 words... =.=" This is all NONSENSE!!! Frustrating NONSENSE!! >.<
Sociology is another pain in the ass.... sometimes i wonder what good the useless heaps of assignments will bring me.... nevertheless, i am forced to complete them.... 'commenting on the news' and 'selecting and justifying my choice of world leaders' happen to be the worst yet, but i'll keep you posted if things get any more ridiculous... Somehow i hope that throughout my law career, these things will never come back to haunt me... >.<
Stupid assignments... =.="
Study Prayer
The Lord is my Shepherd,
i shall not flunk.
He keepeth me from lying down
when i should be studying
He restores my faith in study guides
He leads me to better study habits
for my grades sake
When i walk through the valley
of borderline grades
I will not have a nervous breakdown
for Thou art with me
My friends and prayers they comfort me
He giveth me the answers in moments of blankness
then anointeth my head with understanding
My test paper runneth with question i recognize
surely passing grades and flying colours
will follow me all my days of examinations
and i shall not have to dwell in this exam hall
The Lord is my Shepherd,
i shall not flunk.
He keepeth me from lying down
when i should be studying
He restores my faith in study guides
He leads me to better study habits
for my grades sake
When i walk through the valley
of borderline grades
I will not have a nervous breakdown
for Thou art with me
My friends and prayers they comfort me
He giveth me the answers in moments of blankness
then anointeth my head with understanding
My test paper runneth with question i recognize
surely passing grades and flying colours
will follow me all my days of examinations
and i shall not have to dwell in this exam hall
I keep this in my file... haha... its a good read once in awhile.. ^^
Very nice prayer. Thats sad, I used to live in that room. Look what its become :(
its nicer now.. ^^
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