Perhaps the highlight of the event would be seeing familiar faces which i so dearly miss, especially that of dear Aggie... lolx... ^^ Okay... so we spent the night having dinner and chatting away at Little Italy.. which i haven't been to for oh so long...
Then we headed to another favourite which we had been deprived of even since we started living in KL.. VEDABLU!! ^^ overall, it was an enjoyable night... we had so much to catch up on, and i'll say it again, it's just nice being around people i know and love... and i miss Aggie tonnes too... !!
Memories of the Nite...
Ice cream cake at dear old Vedablu... yummy.. ^^
The person who some of us know and love.. and some of you FEAR!!!
AGGIE!! ^^
(sei Miki advertising for Vedablu's tissue... summore they not even paying me =.=" )
Have a problem with facial oil?? Do u look 'extra shiny' in photos??
Well, fear no more!! For Vedablu tissue paper is the answer to all your problems...
Just use as demonstrated here...
And the end result... Say goodbye to 'polish-finish-photos'!!
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