At first i was afraid that his soft fur would be ruined and that he might even 'lot mou' as a result of his bath... so i decided to play it safe and do things one at a time, with as little water as i could spare.. and so it began...
The sink and my shampoo and conditioner to wash him... ^^
Towel Drying!!
Darling boy getting a hair-blow... ^^
He was still slightly damp, so i just combed and smoothened his fur then left him in the wet kitchen to dry for the night... >.<
After many many hours, he was now completely dry and smelling just wonderful... so i gave him another comb... and here he is... looking just darling... ^^
My precious little Puppy-Love... ^^
And my favourite pic of him... ^^
So "vui shui" ur puppy!
haha.. of course vui shui la... mine... and precious de tiam... ^^
O.0...KIMBERLY'S PET Grooming small size kah ur pup? i wish to have one...someday..muahahaha...
this kinda thing not girls minat only de meh?? lolx... of course got small de... many colours tiam.. all from Memory Lane.. dunno why KK no Memory Lane.. >.<
Hey, adrian...
i tot u like patrick oni?
How come I went Jaya Jusco Setapak Memory Lane, 1-Utama Memory Lane and etc...satu takde pun...
Ken Hong, I haven't finish saying...I wish to have one for my GF...cannot kah?? Hahahaha
Really? those puppies are really popular... every memory lane i've been to so far ( especially the ones in one-u and midvalley) definitely have them. Even Jusco in Sunway has them... as well as the Jusco toy section of several other Jusco outlets... there are many sizes and many colours.... there is actually a small pink one and a small blue one which i intend to get someday... if you're after big ones, those are even more popular... there are two bigger ones.. one is large.. and one is huge... >.< sure nice to hug when u sleep... ^^
hehe.. i like your cutie soft toys. ^^ but i seen some of my frens has it too
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