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Today's post gets its title from this box. ^^ Naturally, this post would have something or another to do with the item in the box and the fact that it was manufactured in China. Needless for me to mention, many people have a certain 'regard' towards China made products, whether as being unsafe, generally distasteful or having some gripes as to the quality. Well, as the general rule stands, you get what you pay for. Although I do not condemn all China-made products, i still find a relative amount of truth in the statements regarding the unsatisfactory quality of China-made products. Well, to put simply, where would the talk come from, and be supported by the masses had it not held at least a fraction of truth?
Well, anyway.... today i present u... the Laptop Aeroplane Fan (we shall stick to this name because the product's original name is just weird, as we shall see)...

And the box... notice the name given....

It has a FULL range of features...

Sounds pretty cool, doesn't it...? ^^ I got it for free at the Pikom Pc Fair,by the way...
and now...
The Pin that burst my bubble....
Observe the back of the plane where the cable is supposed to go...

I know the images aren't big, but please bear with me... like i said, i'm left with handphone cameras... and if you look closely, you might just notice the metal 'prong' somewhere in the centre of the hole...
And now observe the cable that came in the box...

Common sense screams in my head asking "...AND HOW IS THIS SUPPOSED TO WORK??!!!"
sometimes it really puzzles me how people can come up with products manufactured as poorly as this... Thankfully i got it free, and therefore, won't be doing anything apart from complaining and ranting on and on about it.... however... if i had PAID for it, well, there might have been a different story there... Did you notice how much the item costs in the first place?
Not a cheap unusable ornament..... PPPFFFFTTTT!!!....... =.="
It's been a long time since i've posted anything.... haha... my camera's pretty much dead; it needs a new battery... and until i can get that sorted out, i'm gonna have to rely on the cameras on my phones, which don't exactly provide very sharp pictures... however, beggars can't be choosers, and i guess it's better than nothing...
Here are a couple of things i found to be a little odd but nonetheless amusing.... i wish there was more i could add, but i haven't exactly come across anything else of interest....
Exhibit A
This is a picture taken at Watsons at the Curve. I know this could be a perfectly innocent item, but somehow the name simply caught my eye.... Had i been told the name offhand, i would have thought it to be some mental disorder which had to do with strange barnyard-animal-fetish... but... that's just me... >.< wonder if anyone esle would have thought of that... of all things... hehe
Exhibit B
I caught sight of this fella at Giant in City Mall, supposedly placed there to help market school uniforms, as the new school semester is about to begin. However, i noticed he donned a pretty awkward hairstyle, that is, assuming it was in fact a HE, as the uniform would suggest.... it really made me wonder whether someone had done that to the manequin on purpose, out of sheer stupidity, or didn't care less and was ignorant to the message it might be delivering to the people... after all, who buys school uniforms? Well, children of course, and their parents... that's right... lots and lots of untainted little minds for your defiling pleasure... well, if the school authorities begin noticing their male students adopting a somewhat 'controversial' choice of hair-do, at least we'll know where their inspiration came from....
... of all the confounded creatures i hate, mosquitoes rank the top of my list. I realize that nearly every creature had been put on earth for a specific reason; particularly reasons that do not include being a major annoyance in my life.
To put it simply, even the ickiest most disgusting or slimy creature has something good to offer in the end, which, at times, may even outweigh the whole ickiness factor overall (or not) >.< but as for the blasted mosquito, i just don't see where it plays a crucial part in the entire story of human existance, apart from being one of the many much-hated or feared agents of spreading diseases...
and so... one night.... the bane of mankind decided to harass me... by disturbing my much-needed sleep... i don't know for sure how many mosquitoes attacked that night, but it was definitely enough to make me buy the largest can of bug spray i could find the very next day... to give you a rough idea of how desperately i wanted bug spray, i actually bought it from a petrol kiosk near my house because it was raining heavily that night and it was much too late to get it from anywhere else....
after this, i knew i would win my battles against mosquitoes (as well as any other creepy-crawly which decided to wage war against me) for as long as my supply of bug spray lasted...

These pics were taken at approximately 3 am. Blasted mosquitoes woke me up from a good sleep... just to give a rough idea of how ruthless the persistent little bugs can be, my hands were the only part of my body which weren't snugly tucked under my comforter, hence the only area which suffered their relentless attacks... =.="
My deepest apologies for not being around for so long... haha... but i think things should be back on track pretty soon.... these are a few things which caught my interest since the last time i blogged, but they're pretty much outdated, so please bear with me. >.< The day before i left for kl, the last time i was back, which i think was some time in March actually, i was introduced to a plant which became one of the few plants i began to crave from time to time... behold... the Purple Cauliflower... ^^
this is an organic purple cauliflower, and i'm not sure if it costs a bomb, but i'm guessing it does... then again, there isn't an organic vegetable which doesn't. Lolx.
anyway, it first struck me as something really pretty, maybe even too pretty to eat... but then again, i decided if it was a cauliflowers, then it may as well been steamed, salted and eaten. ^^
and therefore, that was exactly what i did.... the white thing you see in the picture is a microwave steamer. Yes, i'm THAT lazy. >.<>
Salting the veggie... that's a salt grinder at the top corner of the pic.

And finally, cutting it up and eating it. If you noticed, even the stalks of the cauliflower are purplish. ^^
and finally, the verdict: This is one YUMMY vege... ^^ actually it tastes pretty much like a regular caulifower except slightly richer in taste and it has a slightly bitter aftertaste to it too. Well, i discovered that i loved this little plant and i decided that i would look forward to future encounters with it. haha...
Okay, i actually came back to KK about two weeks ago. And since my maid has gone back to Indonesia (apparently she's been cursed... but i'mno expert on these things), i've started taking the responsiblity of doing certain chores, including the laundry. As strange as my habits are though, i only do the laundry at night... yes, when the sun just isn't shining. >.< style="color: rgb(51, 255, 51);">But anyway, back to the story, i was doing laundry late one night (actually i think it was around midnight), when i suddenly noticed something slithering around on the ground. It wasn't large, but it moved a lot. The lighting in my backyard is pretty much dim (having only a yellow light) and i stared long and hard at this little creature, wondering if it was a snake, or a worm... i came to two conclusions... If it was a snake, then it was a tiny little one... and if it was a worm... then it was a really big worm. >.<
so i put the thing on a newspaper and brought it into the wet kitchen, where the lights are much brighter... and i concluded... it was a snake... probably a baby snake... i have no idea what species. haha...
Just look at the words on the newspaper and you'll get a rough idea how small this thing was...

I'm trying to get a close-up of the head. I could actually see the eyes and the mouth from here, but my camera didn't feel like cooperating... actually it's a handphone camera... my digital camera probably needs replacement batteries.. >.<
Anyway, i threw the mini-snake outside and went around looking for Papa snake or Mama snake or any other siblings in the wet kitchen, inside the cabinets or any other dark place i could think of but i didn't find anything. And it keeps me wondering what on earth that little creature was doing in my backyard anyway, given the fact that my backyard is mostly cemented. =.="
Hey guys... sorry bout being away for so long...
Yes, as the title suggests, this post is merely going to be a rather short picture-less update...
However, it may not be as dull as it sounds ( or so i hope) >.<
Anyway, i paid a visit to a nearby Guardian Pharmacy recently and noticed a rather strange promotion sign...
Amidst the bustling people, i caught sight of a sign promoting Guardian's home-brand bottled Handwash. Although i cannot recall the exact price, i'm sure it was somewhere between 3 - 4 bucks.
Anyhow, what really caught my eye was the HUGE BLACK print which screamed
Well, that had me thinking that it was a rather good deal and i promptly approached the promotion shelf for a better look... which was about when i noticed... in fine print ( or rather tiny print), partially obscured by the Guardian's bright theme colours of orange and blue, a small sentence that read...
" to 3 bottles per customer..."
Apart from making me raise an eyebrow about who would actually get the '2 free bottles' as stated in the promotion, it got me wondering if anyone had even seen the fine print in the first place... and perhaps what the cashier's reaction would have been had i taken 4 bottles of the aforementioned handwash to the check out counter....
Sadly, however, while i was busy wondering whether she would tell me that i was limited to only three bottles per transaction or whether she would give me an additional two bottles, it was time for me to leave. Ah well...
However, if anyone of you guys do actually get a chance to see the outcome, do let me know k? ^^
Hey ppl
apologies for being gone for so long.
My laptop isn't functioning at the moment, so i've kinda stopped blogging for now.
I'm hoping it's temporary, but anyway there hasn't really been anything worth blogging about recently.
Anyway, i'll keep you guys posted if anything interesting comes up.
i am so so so so sorry that i haven't updated this blog in awhile... no, the blog isn't dead, just in a temporary coma.... the thing is, my laptop has died on me and i haven't gotten around to doing anything about it just yet, therefore i have been unable to update this blog as all pictures and anything else worth sharing would obviously be stored in my computer... ah well..
However, on a quick update, nothing special has happened lately... and i think the only thing that i ( as well as my classmates) can think of right now is how ridiculous exams are, given the current circumstances. However, there doesn't seem like there is much we can do about it right now... therefore... as my dear dear friend said to me...
" if you can't score, just think of a way not to die so badly" ( literal translation)
I know this doesn't sound promising, but again, hope for the best...
and this is how i feel and have been feeling lately...