Tuesday, August 5, 2008

... and so the clone wars begin...

Browsing the usual online newspaper articles, i came across a certain article which caught my attention; an article regarding how a certain Korean institution had decided to clone a woman's dying pet... much to her delight...

This entire article made me think simply of how strange the world we live in actually is... from one woman wanting so much to 'recover' a dying pet to an institution who had probably invested ample amounts of money and time into things such as cloning... while both regard this matter as something to probably be proud of, i can very well say that from where i stand, the practice of creating clones is an unnatural one and no good will come out of this act of playing God in the long run.

Attached is the article for your consideration: Cloning Dogs 01

For what it's worth, i personally feel that this woman should learn to let go of things... the phrase extracted from her interview in the video attached, whereby she stated "... and I heard the most beautiful words in the English Language : I can clone your dog" really sickened me to an extent... I would not deny that perhaps her pet was indeed close to her heart and had done so much good for her that he left an impression in her life, but to clone him? I feel that this takes matters way too far... And for further correction, someone should kindly rectify this woman's statement regarding "... we provide the body and God provides the soul..." that firstly, dogs do NOT have souls as they are animals... and that secondly, if this WERE human beings that were being cloned, does anyone really think that God would bless such 'creatures' with a soul??

It is one thing to engage in the human ways of meddling with God's work, but it is another to think of it as an issue that would bring forth so much good and to be so proud of it as to dedicated newspaper reports and the like to it under the heading of "scientific advancement". The line between what a human should be allowed to do or disallowed from doing should be clear... for this is a definite overstepping of boundaries.

Man has given numerous excuses justifying cloning from organ transplants all the way to a solution for world hunger; yet, these are mere efforts to mask the sinister side of the engagements of the human race in such unforgiving territory... for now, man has satisfied himself with cloning animals... this is a beginning to story to which there may be no end. As one thing leads to another, the cheap horror movies featuring clones such as Resident Evil and the 6th Day may become a reality all too soon. As far as ethics go, this has gone way out of hand.

Conclusively, it is my 'humble' opinion that no good would ever come out of man playing God. To put it simply, let He who is superior commence the works to whose hands authority hath been given. Now, the question that remains is a simple one...

"Are we to imply that we are, in any way, superior to God in doing what had always been His to do?"

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