Bad as it may sound, things only got worse from there... roughly about this point, we start wondering if we really are human beings at all... well, apparently the pygmy was first placed in a museum for display... but was later moved to the local zoo, and there exhibited with the monkeys, and having a chimpanzee as a 'cell mate'.
Upon protests from other probably saner human beings, the pygmy was granted the 'privilege' of roaming the zoo freely during the day but had to return to confinement at night. Well, long story short, he was later shifted to a childcare facility for African Children and upon hearing that he would never return to his homeland again, he ended his life by shooting himself in the heart with a revolver...
This was when my thoughts started taking over...
Frankly, i don't blame the dude... circumstances pushed him to the limits... putting myself in his shoes, i would probably have done almost the same things, though perhaps my vengeance would be mustered against those who put me in this plight in the first place and not towards myself...
The lesson continued... and it was mentioned that the pygmy was roughly 4 feet 11 inches in height...
It was at this point that i was rudely awakened from my thoughts by the oh-so-familiar voice of Mr Chelliah... stating, in all authority... " Hey, isn't that roughly around your height..?"
I hate to admit it, but he's right... this was when my lecturer added " Anyone below five feet is a pygmy"... So i left class with one eyebrow raised above the other... either in annoyance or something similar...
Do i look like a pygmy to you??!!
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