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Its been awhile since i last posted... actually its kinda because i never take my camera around and i haven't really found anything to post... But anyway, this is just an update of what's been going on so far.... and also because SOME PEOPLE are complaining that i don't update ( Lolx, but i appreciate the support. thanx guys... nice to know that you guys actually visit this blog)... and also 2 other people ( i'm not saying who.. >.<) complained that i never include them in my blog.... =.="
Well, first off... i'm gonna mention that while i'm here, i make frequent visits to my uncle's clinic... here is one of its customers... lolx...

I can't remember his name though... but he's interesting... cute, hyper and reminds me of my dear Paris back home... =( he looks a little strange tho... haha...
Oh,... and Anyz visited college today... haha... wonder how he found it... and he also complained that he doesn't receive any publicity in my blog... and i quote:
"... yeah... You only post Jess.." No, i do NOT only post Jess... there are lots of other people in here... ah well...i'll give you your share of space then... ^^
Along with Anyz is another someone who complained and i quote
"I hate those people with blogs... like so miserable then play Blog.." well, lets just see if he visits this 'blog belonging to a miserable blogger'.. hehehe...
Andrew in the school cafeteria... known as "KDU Square"... fancy name, but not that fancy a place... lolx... he's trying to take pictures of me... =.="
If you're wondering what his face looks like, ask him for a picture... he keeps covering his face when i take pics... Andrew don't give me face... Lolx... Kidding... ^^
At least ANyz more sporting a bit... hahaha.... scary larrr.... >.<
Ok, don't call me SAKAI anymore... =.=" i know its just a fan, but since those two don't wanna give me face, i take fan de pic also better... hmph...
Andrew's stuff... anyone interested in stealing his com?? Tell me... I'll give you his address... >.<
But the Pringles give me lar, k?? hehe... ^^

These two acting like they don't know me... hmph... lolx...
Okay, enough Publicity for those two... well, i watched Sweeney Todd today... it was great.. had me laughing uncontrollably at times... for some reason, i found all the throat slitting kinda amusing... maybe its the blood, and no, it doesn't scare me... cuz i'm never going to a barbershop for a shave anyway... though i might think twice before buying another "meat pie".. >.< 
I love the look on his face... and that classic pose...
Another satisfied customer... "the closest shave you'll ever have... "
On a final note, to all those people who have been having nightmares after watching this movie, i really don't understand what's so scary about it... but i'll leave you with this picture, in hopes that your nights of sleeplessness will end... ^^
Not so scary now, is he..? Lolx... ^^
So on my 2nd day in KL, i'm still acting like a homeless idiot, and therefore living in a hotel... lolx... On this trip, i stayed at the Royale Bintang at 'The Curve'... shopping was fun.. ^^ everything so conveniently located.. and this room is called the Queen Suite ( if i'm not mistaken...)
This is the toilet.. ( i used the flash on purpose so i don't appear as clearly =P) Okay, this is one of the biggest toilets i've seen, not the biggest, mind you, just one of the ones i consider to be more on the 'large' side.. This is the sink and bathtub area...
The 'THRONE'... lolx... i know its not the Frozen Throne la, but ah well... Miki so sakai... =.=" like this also wanna take pic...
This is the shower area... both bathtub AND shower.. sweeeet... ^^ its a pretty big shower booth too... haha...
This is the den... with their i-don't-know-how-many-inch LCD tv... its not the clearest in the world, but hey, at least its a flat screen... this is one of two... there's another one, but its exactly the same anyway...the catch is though, that they only provide ONE remote control... for two televisions... =.=" I'm wondering why... its not like they're side by side or anything... the other one is in the bedroom... this one came with a DVD player, but i didn't bring any DVD's... >.<
This is the bedroom... well, the master bedroom to be exact... and this is the first hotel i know which provides not only pillows, but a bolster as well.. ^^ (even if the bolster feels like its been stuffed with over-dried hay... its hard and light... good for whacking people, but not so nice to sleep with... )
Another part of the master bedroom... i love the chair... somehow makes me feel.. 'important'... Lolx...

This is where I slept... and those are my cousins sitting on the bed... ^^ along with my mom...
This is deck and pool area.. and the view from my room balcony...
By Day....
By night.. pretty, no?
And now, just a souvenir my little brother got from KL... one of many, in fact...and definitely not the cheapest ones...
This shirt costed RM60... and the letters... cost RM2 PER LETTER!!! (but they give 3 letters free, thankfully)... this amounts to an RM62 shirt... =.="
Okay... after the long delay, i can now go on posting... ^^ joy!! Today i'm posting about Jess' birthday!! (even though he doesn't deserve it... he doesn't appreciate my present.. :'( .. so bad lar you, jess.. i nearly walked the entire shopping complex before i bought those things for you... )
This is our darling birthday boy, who looks like he's 10 years old, when he's actually 20 this year... =.="
This is our birthday boy showing us his 'muka merajuk' on this birthday... hai xiao la ni...
Alright, now down to everything else...
Jess celebrated his bday at Jesselton Hotel (high class la this guy.. =.=") and... he refused to buy me champagne... the RM1250 one to be specific... hmph... but ah well, he paid for the food anyway, so THANX, Jess.. ^^
This is Jess' guest list... most of us know each other, but of course there are a few who don't... but that's ok... These are the idiotic guys.. who... if i remember correctly, eat like trash cans.. BOTTOMLESS trash cans, to be exact.... =.="
Mixed up in all his happiness and bliss, Jess also revealed the more 'tender loving' side of his life... and also his... *ahem* 'preferences' in a mate... most prominently in regard of his preference of gender... lolx... And for some reason, Yang Ming doesn't look impressed at all... Don't be jealous, Yang Ming... He still loves you... >.<
These are the famous "Heng Dai's "... and also Yang Ming's chance to 'regain Jess' affection' Lolx...
This is Jess and Pheobe, his sister... You guys look very very very cute together... because.. you look more like twins... so similar that its scary.. >.<
Anyway, dinner was tonnes of fun... and not without its... interesting bits.. i didn't get a chance to take a pic of Jess with cake on his face... =( ah well... but this was kinda interesting as well... It could mean many things, but i'm unsure what exactly.. ^^
Haha... Yang Ming looks so kelian... Jess, again, wants to be a rocker.. =.=" and Wong looks like he wanna sek sek Yang Ming... haha.. all in all, even i don't know exactly what's going on in this pic...
Well now, with every other one of this occasions, Jess' birthday ended with a trip to the cyber cafe... and so began the first round of dota...

People tend to have rather 'interesting' expressions when they play Dota... Lo looks desperate... perhaps because his DOOMBRINGER is DOOMED... (haha... didn't Doom ppl)... Teh is concentrating...
I can't exactly tell if Teh is concentrating or cool or even pissed... Chung and Eddie are definetely concentrating... and Lo, i think your hero just died... to something stupid... >.<

LOOK AT THIS!!! What's this??!! Com hang gei ar??? I was enjoying myself... >.<
Stupid com... ish... i had to change place... so much for that corner having 'good feng shui'... the dude at the counter asked me why he saw me 'paying' so many times... i wasn't paying... his computers don't like me... and the whole night, Yang Ming didn't play a single game with me... if you're wondering what he was up to... it was something like this... =.="
Wonder what on earth he's looking for... =.="
anyway, it was a nice night.. i guess i enjoyed myself, up till the point it was time to bid all my friends farewell... that was really sad... ah well... life goes on..
Okay, now where do i start?? A good place would be last night (or rather this morning) at approximately 1.00 am... Well, being the nice person, i decided to give into Tim's incessant whining about 'not having many suppers with me left before i go' and had therefore agreed to have supper with him and even allowing him to select his 'choice of meal' (even though it is sooooo against my current plan to lose weight). Okay, so having said that, he insisted that i 'sample' his 'EXCELLENT-FRIED-RICE'... and i obliged... So, we started off by 'cooking rice'... much to my horror, Tim happily cleaned out the rice cooker pot of its remnants and decided to dispose of it down the kitchen sink... upon seeing my absolutely 'zha dou' expression, he instantly quipped "what? that's what sink cleaner is for..." =.="... my conclusion, Tim is definitely 'mau tet kiu'... anyway, moving on with events, he proceded to cook rice... when i discovered he doesn't even so much as rinse it first... as i said, mau tet kiu... so... after the pot was safely in the rice cooker, i decided that is was now safe to leave everything in Tim's 'supposedly able' hands. And so the waiting began... we waited.. and waited and waited... (with Tim occasionally checking the rice cooker and saying it wasn't hot...) I dismissed this as the rice cooker being slightly slow, as it is one of the older models... i think we had waited a total of 40 minutes before i decided to check it for myself... much to my horror, THAT IDIOT TIM HAD LEFT IT AT 'KEEP WARM' while i was waiting and starving my tail off!!!!! Well, OF COURSE IT WASN'T COOKING... i couldn't believe he could actually be such an idiot, and had worn my 'dulan face' for the rest of the night...

Skipping forward to this morning.. i woke up early today... and went to Yayasan Sabah... ^^ its been eons since i went there...
I found it really amusing watching people handle the 'cleaning' process of the place.. including that 'pool' of water.. its not deep though, mind you, that if you were to jump, it wouldn't save you... not for a minute.. i estimate it to be around 4 feet deep at maximum... though i daresay that if you were to 'tiao lou' here, your landing would look really good... Muahaha...

Sorry about the 'blurry' pictures... i forgot my camera.. so i used my cellphone camera instead... >.<> is Yayasan Sabah really THAT special... apart from being the ultimate Tiao Lou place, it's not really that pretty... not in shape, not in anything... =.=" well, maybe its only me.. ^^
Anyway, in order to gain access to the upper levels of this place, i was required to 'swap' my Identification Card for a visitors pass... the guards said this was a safety procedure... it made me wonder whether there really are so many lunatics running amok out there who want the staff of Yayasan Sabah silenced... =.="
Anyway, after doing what i had originally come here to do, i decided to take a short walk around the compound, particularly around the waterline... It smelled like... the sea... nauseating... =.=" However, the waves were pretty to watch.. and so were the trawlers and cargo ships in the distance... ^^ again, i wished i had brought my camera along.. pity...

Miki has never been to ATMOSPHERE in Yayasan Sabah... waiting for my darling to take me there on our anniversary... any takers?? lolx... ^^
Anyway, next we headed for Karamunsing to get gifts for Jess... ^^ being there reminded me of a picture i had taken about a week ago but have never really gotten around to uploading... BEHOLD!!
(you might need to 'click to enlarge' it to see the captions)
Tim and I were walking around in the toy department of Signature a week ago when we stumbled upon a rack full of dinosaurs... we immediately recognised those traits that somehow resembled those we know and love.. and therefore... i just HAD to take a picture of it. ^^ (don't be mad.. at least it shows that i think about you all the time... hehe...)