"You have done a great service to us, we will always remember you"
Lolx!! Surprisingly, that was meant for a room... not just any room though... one that has helped us evade numerous classes (lolx!) and where we have had some of our sweetest memories of school life...
Well, enough with the introductions... welcome to 'our ultimate school hangout!'
The door behind which is a room full of secrets (lolx. Now you know where we hang out)
I'll always remember this poster.. we were supposed to promote the idea of "Hentikan Buli!" but someone was obviously against it... this poster had to be replaced at least twice if i'm not mistaken... lolx... not the mention it's actually quite an interesting picture... if you click it to enlarge, you'll notice that all the students depicted in the picture are adorned with brand name items... lolx... wonder what message they were trying to put through to us...
Some of the best times i've had in this room were in front of that computer. It's damn slow, takes forever, hangs a lot and almost never does what its supposed to... but hey.. who expected much from a school computer anyway? Too bad there was a black out when i took these pictures, if not, you would have been able to see the screen saver i had personally put there, and is still surviving till now...
To give you a hint of what it was like, as i can remember, it ran along the line of
"I am the Angel of Death, there is no other. Depart from me, mortal, for your death is nigh"
Coming to think of it, I wonder what the parents were thinking when they read it during their 'conferences' in this room because that computer is perpetually left running...
(sorry ar.. blackout oh...)
What's a room without the 'rightful owner' and 'permanent resident' herself??
Trouble-makers feared her, students tremble in her presence... we.. adored her ^^
It must be.. Teacher Agatha (Aggie).... our Ketua Disiplin... (lolx... really? doesn't feel like it... well, perhaps to us only... ^^)
WE <3 YOU!!!!
And now... a few of this year's common hangout members... lolx.... you would have seen my face had it been a year or two ago.... but things change, and now...
Perpetrator: Kevin (full name withheld for privacy.Lolx)
Description: Evil, cunning, do not approach!! (lolx... he's a nice guy.. i'm exaggerating)
Appearance: Lolx.. his pic is there... the larger one. XP
Perpetrator: Jaramier (commonly known as Jara)
Description: Appears harmless, until he speaks... lolx....
Appearance: As stated above, see for yourself... the darker one.. Lolx...
Status : SESAT!!! (not to be confused with other 'members', he has NEVER been part of the hang out club... lolx)
Current Activity: Impersonating an English man with a Hernia... =.=" (he thinks he looks like Napoleon Bonaparte... lolx)
In short.... we have had many memories here, some of the best of our school lives, in fact.... perhaps we even spent most of our time here... but it would always be special to us.... PREFECTS SAY "AYE!!" (VVIP PREFECTS SAY "WHOOOOO!! ^^)
RE: Agatha's 2nd Pic
Kalau dia kasih tunjukkan giginya, ada contrast. Putih dan ....
omg.. so bad... how did you find this blog leh?? u got my msn ar... how come i dunno de... =.="
I visit Frank's blog. Then I viewed his comment on his first post. Saw you from there.
lolx.. clever... ^^
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