Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Nite Out

Last night was Yang Ming's birthday... lolx... (u're getting older). Therefore, in honour of it, we had a rather 'interesting' gathering which was really more 'interesting' than it was fun. Anyway...

'Exhibit A'

The guest list last nights gathering consisted mostly of idiots. Tim thinks
that he is
Sammy Velu. Lolx. Jess thinks he's some 80's rocker of some sort and I, for some reason, resemble Ju-on. Everyone else looks kinda decent... Thankfully.

As expected, a lot of 'feasting' was involved in last night's affair. And as we indulged ourselves, we began wondering if the food had been 'spiked' with anything... because the people started acting a little strange... well, mostly more on the 'high' side than usual...
'Exhibit B'
This is Jess looking high, and perhaps in an attempt to imitate a blow-up doll. Reasons unknown...
'Exhibit C'
This one looks plain weird. Jess looks like had just discovered his 'long-lost-son-from-a-woman-i-met-at-a-strippers-lounge'.

'Exhibit D'

CARNAGE!! WHEEEE! ( Sorry ar, Yang Ming, but i couldn't resist! >.<) 'Exhibit E (I) & (II)

The 'after effects' ^^

'Exhibit F (I) & (II)'
This could be either a drunken brawl or a lovers' squabble... Although I'm unsure which... and would not like to assume...


Anonymous said...

oi? sylvester?

Miki said...

Lolx.. u can recognise him also... ^^

Unknown said...

is tat wong cheng how??
he transformed!!is tat his actual form!! btw, AUTOBOTS!! TRANSFORM!!

Miki said...

Lolx.. transformers also come out jor.. sei fo lo... yes, that's him... muahahaha.. but i didn't know he's one of the transformers...