Alright, now down to everything else...
Jess celebrated his bday at Jesselton Hotel (high class la this guy.. =.=") and... he refused to buy me champagne... the RM1250 one to be specific... hmph... but ah well, he paid for the food anyway, so THANX, Jess.. ^^
This is Jess' guest list... most of us know each other, but of course there are a few who don't... but that's ok... These are the idiotic guys.. who... if i remember correctly, eat like trash cans.. BOTTOMLESS trash cans, to be exact.... =.="
This is Jess and Pheobe, his sister... You guys look very very very cute together... because.. you look more like twins... so similar that its scary.. >.<
Anyway, dinner was tonnes of fun... and not without its... interesting bits.. i didn't get a chance to take a pic of Jess with cake on his face... =( ah well... but this was kinda interesting as well... It could mean many things, but i'm unsure what exactly.. ^^
Well now, with every other one of this occasions, Jess' birthday ended with a trip to the cyber cafe... and so began the first round of dota...
People tend to have rather 'interesting' expressions when they play Dota... Lo looks desperate... perhaps because his DOOMBRINGER is DOOMED... (haha... didn't Doom ppl)... Teh is concentrating...
LOOK AT THIS!!! What's this??!! Com hang gei ar??? I was enjoying myself... >.<
Stupid com... ish... i had to change place... so much for that corner having 'good feng shui'... the dude at the counter asked me why he saw me 'paying' so many times... i wasn't paying... his computers don't like me... and the whole night, Yang Ming didn't play a single game with me... if you're wondering what he was up to... it was something like this... =.="
anyway, it was a nice night.. i guess i enjoyed myself, up till the point it was time to bid all my friends farewell... that was really sad... ah well... life goes on..
ahahhaha, i din say i dont appreciate looh. i love the biawakk
coz it reminded me of my fav cousin that say with me in kl
thz for the present XD
Lolx.. so bad.. say ur cousin look like PINK BIAWAK... wei.. that biawak wangi de lo... and those condoms also wangi de... maybe got flavour tiam... i dunno... hahahah... u din say don appreciate, but u put it under 'CRAP PRESENTS'... =.="
lol.. my bro really look like a kid in the pic.. haha.. tat's why sometimes i ask him to call me jie jie.. -_-"
bout yang ming.. how can u expect a monkey to sit straight on a chair?? =P haha.. jk..
i don't wanna call him monkey liao.. that day kena him scold for it liao.. =.=" din kena him whack already good lo...
ur bro look like small kid... hahaha...
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